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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Inside scoop on choreography

I thought I'd tell you what it's like trying to choreography new songs.

First thing you should know is that for a 3 minute song, it's not uncommon to spend 3-6 hours coming up with choreography that works. The movements need to be fun, easy to follow, and really fit the style and mood of the song. They also need to be safe and give a good workout. And I try to make the movements not exactly like all the other songs, so I try to give each one something unique about it. Some instructors can do this in less time, but not me! Some songs go well beyond 6 hours. And this doesn't include the time spent trying to FIND a good song to start with.

Several weeks ago I was trying to make my life easier by using someone else's choreography.
It was straight from Zumba so it was fair game for me to use. I liked it good enough, so I learned it in 20 minutes and used it in class.

Train wreck.

There was a bit more complication to the footwork and people had a hard time getting it. It also wasn't the greatest cardio challenge so it didn't contribute to class much. But the song was great! I tabled the song while I worked on others. But I still really liked it.

So I revisited it the other night. I came up with so many different versions I had to write them all down because I was forgetting what I had done. I finally felt like I had an idea that would work and went to bed.

I got up early to practice it a few times before class. Changed the choreography a bit more. I wrote down the final changes and stood up to run through it one last time.

Weirdest thing.

My body danced completely different movements. I felt like that song reached out and grabbed me and said, "THIS is how it goes."

I have learned many times over the years of teaching and preparing for Zumba that the song is the boss. When I create choreography, I am trying to uncover what the song wants to be. I believe that even people without a dance background or natural rhythm can connect with a song better when the movements and the music make sense together. It just clicks with a part of the brain and you can learn the movements easier without even understanding why.

So, you don't need to think about the choreography. I take care of that part, but I thought you might like a little glimpse into all that goes into creating it! I get such a thrill when I get a new song ready for class because it is such an accomplishment!

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